IT Leaders expect 50% of work to be done remotely and changing how we work and collaborate.

The work-from-anywhere workplace needs collaboration solutions that empower and inspire participants no matter where they’re working. Learn from industry experts about three key elements for achieving successful collaboration in the hybrid workforce.

As organizations explore implementing hybrid work policies, it changes the way teams work, collaborate and make decisions. Understanding the challenges and the employee experience will be crucial in delivering the right tools and systems to continue to deliver the productivity and satisfaction that ensures an organizations success. Lenovo’s ThinkSmart solutions transform how employees work and engage whether in or out of the office.

Our portfolio for the future of collaboration includes a range of reliable hardware, software and services that’s designed to drive seamless collaboration and convenient, end-to-end solution management for the modern workforce.

Personal solutions for individual workspaces

Empower your remote workers by keeping them connected, so they can join work from anywhere. Our range of specialized solutions enables maximum productivity, supporting industry-leading collaboration platforms.

Shared solutions for hybrid work environments

Transform spaces of any size into connected, collaborative meeting rooms with our range of solutions. Provide seamless connection and improved videoconferencing to fully enable your flexible, hybrid workforce.

Use industry-leading platforms for closer collaboration

We’re on a mission to support the tools every customer is most comfortable using – it’s easier for you to integrate and deploy solutions that have been tailored to your existing UC platform.